Murky water keeps fish on edge

A study led by researchers at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University found fish become anxious and more cautious when water quality is degraded by sediment, an effect that could stunt ...

Evolution of the back-to-belly axis

Most animals have a dorso-ventral (back-to-belly) body axis, which determines for instance the localized position of the central nervous system, dorsal in humans, ventral in insects. Surprisingly, despite enormous morphological ...

Some anemones like it hot

Many of us enjoy rock pooling when the tide is out but when it gets hot high temperatures can have a damaging effect on the pool's inhabitants.

Lichen partnerships challenged by changes in the Northwoods

Lichen, which people may think of as a single organism, is in fact a community of several species that depend on each other for survival. Lichen symbiosis includes at least one fungus and one alga, along with other fungi ...

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