In dull retail environment, smart phones shine

The 14 million iPhones that Apple sold in its latest quarter are more than a bright flare on one of Silicon Valley's greatest stars. The iconic Apple smart phone also represents the leading edge of a wireless revolution that ...

Nokia to cut 1,800 jobs as net profit euro529 million

(AP) -- Nokia Corp. is moving quickly to restructure its lagging smart phone business under new CEO Stephen Elop, announcing Thursday it will lay off 1,800 people even as third-quarter earnings bounced back from a year-ago ...

Review: Windows Phone 7 a new start for Microsoft

When it comes to smart phones, Microsoft is itching to get back in the game. Microsoft was sick of watching consumers flock to Apple's iPhone and smart phones running Google's Android software as its own Windows Mobile software ...

Phone app fights distracted driving with rewards

(AP) -- Having trouble leaving the cell phone alone while you're driving, even though it could get you and bystanders killed? Now, there's an app for that - with cash rewards for resisting the phone.

Microsoft phone ads spoof smart phone addiction

(AP) -- As Microsoft sees it, we're all wandering around in a daze, heads tilted downward and eyes on our smart phone screens. We bump into strangers and ignore our loved ones. And the solution? Another smart phone, of course.

Retailers ready to capitalize on smart phones' surge

Millions of people no longer head home to sign on to the Internet to shop. And that number is growing as fast as iPhone, Android and BlackBerry mobile devices can be stocked in stores.

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