Ancient rocks yield clues about Earth's earliest crust

( —It looks like just another rock, but what Jesse Reimink holds in his hands is a four-billion-year-old chunk of an ancient protocontinent that holds clues about how the Earth's first continents formed.

Researchers find sulfur reducers were at work on the early Earth

( —A lot can happen to a rock over the course of two and a half billion years. It can get buried and heated; fluids remove some of its minerals and precipitate others; its chemistry changes. So if you want to use ...

Iron in primeval seas rusted by bacteria

( —Researchers from the University of Tübingen have been able to show for the first time how microorganisms contributed to the formation of the world's biggest iron ore deposits. The biggest known deposits – ...

Watery science 'jackpot' discovered by Curiosity

The Curiosity rover hit the science "jackpot" and has discovered widespread further evidence of multiple episodes of liquid water flowing over ancient Mars billions of years ago when the planet was warmer and wetter, scientists ...

Remains of man in armour found at 'Pompeii of Japan'

The remains of a high-caste man wearing armour who was buried by hot ash—possibly as he tried to calm the wrath of an erupting volcano—have been found in an area known as the "Pompeii of Japan".

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