6 million years of savanna

University of Utah scientists used chemical isotopes in ancient soil to measure prehistoric tree cover – in effect, shade – and found that grassy, tree-dotted savannas prevailed at most East African sites where ...

Were ancient human migrations two-way streets?

The worldwide spread of ancient humans has long been depicted as flowing out of Africa, but tantalizing new evidence suggests it may have been a two-way street.

Music and spirituality may be legacies of motherese: expert

(PhysOrg.com) -- Ancient humans may have developed a capacity for music and a sense of spirituality linked to music because of the foetal/infant-maternal bond, according to international authority on the origins of music, ...

Paleoanthropologist writes 'untold story of our salvation'

Inside caves near Mossel Bay, South Africa, a team of explorers have been piecing together an account of survival, ingenuity and endurance -- of the species known as Homo sapiens. Team leader Curtis Marean, a paleoanthropologist ...

Probing Question: What can we learn from Neanderthal DNA?

Contrary to their image as knuckle-dragging brutes, the Neanderthals on television play tennis and attend cocktail parties — and sell auto insurance. In reality, these mysterious fellow hominids died out about 30,000 years ...

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