To navigate the heavens, take a seat

Students and visitors have undoubtedly wondered about the peculiar, spherical sculpture on the rooftop of the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian. With its giant metallic rails looping around a chair, the sculpture ...

2,000-year-old mystery of a havoc-wreaking worm

Humans have known for over 2,000 years that shipworms, a worm-like mollusk, are responsible for damage to wooden boats, docks, dikes and piers. Yet new research from the University of Massachusetts Amherst published in Frontiers ...

Potential of faba beans, rich in protein, has been unlocked

Faba beans have been an excellent source of food protein since pre-historic times, but about 5% of people can't eat them. Now, an international team of researchers has identified the gene responsible for the production of ...

Ancient genomes trace the origin and decline of the Scythians

Generally thought of as fierce horse warriors, the Scythians were a multitude of Iron Age cultures who ruled the Eurasian steppe, playing a major role in Eurasian history. A new study published in Science Advances analyzes ...

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