Classical ideas endure in modern digital culture: study

Computer enhanced images surround us. Flip through any magazine or catch a current film and you will find scores of digitally enhanced images that serve as ideals. According to Radio and Television Arts professor David Tucker, ...

Delphi: The bellybutton of the ancient world

Look beyond simply the famed oracular priestess breathing in hallucinogenic gases and you find a place whose past speaks directly to the 21st century.

Greeks uncorked French passion for wine

( -- The bottle sitting in your wine rack at home is probably labelled as a juicy, full-bodied French number, with dark berry flavours and a long, complex finish.

The Athenians: Another warning from history?

( -- The collapse of Greek democracy 2,400 years ago occurred in circumstances so similar to our own it could be read as a dark and often ignored lesson from the past, a new study suggests.

Race to preserve the world's oldest submerged town

( -- The oldest submerged town in the world is about to give up its secrets — with the help of equipment that could revolutionise underwater archaeology.

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