Unearthed: the cannibal sharks of a forgotten age

Scientists have discovered macabre fossil evidence suggesting that 300 million-year-old sharks ate their own young, as fossil faeces of adult Orthacanthus sharks contained the tiny teeth of juveniles.

300 million-year-old 'supershark' fossils found in Texas

Even before the age of dinosaurs, big toothy predators were roaming Texas. 300 million years ago, during a time called the Carboniferous, the area surrounding what is now Dallas, Texas was flooded by a shallow sea. Fossils ...

Free app empowers public to locate, recognize ancient fossils

Imagine shoveling soil to create a backyard garden plot and unearthing a rock embossed with the fossil remnant of a creature you've never seen before. It looks like something out of the ocean, but you live in the Midwest.

New dinosaur species unearthed in Venezuela

(Phys.org) —A team of paleontologists with members from Brazil, Venezuela, the U.S. and Germany has found fossil evidence of a previously unknown dinosaur in Venezuela. In their paper published in the journal Royal Society ...

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