Second rocky world makes Kepler-10 a multi-planet system

The Kepler Telescope team has announced a second planet orbiting the star Kepler-10. The existence of this planet was suspected previously, but new analytical techniques were needed to confirm its existence.

A little magic provides an atomic-level look at bone

( -- A new study using solid-state NMR spectroscopy to analyze intact bone paves the way for atomic-level explorations of how disease and aging affect bone. The research by scientists at the University of Michigan ...

Ranking nanodevice functionality methods

As the demand for nanodevices grows so too does the need to improve the functionality of such devices, which is vulnerable to changes in the charge distribution, energy levels or conformation. Hence the desire to assess the ...

Scientists develop protocol for chemical imaging at the nanoscale

Chemical imaging of surfaces is critical to understand the relationships between structural, chemical and functional properties in disciplines ranging across the chemical, material and biological sciences. Conventional methods ...

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