Reanalyses find rising humidity in the Arctic

( -- Direct, reliable observations of atmospheric conditions stretch as far back as the mid seventeenth century, with otherwise consistent records being punctuated by periodic updates in methods, practitioners, and ...

NIST quantifies low levels of 'heart attack risk' protein

Searching for a needle in a haystack may seem futile, but it's worth it if the needle is a hard-to-detect protein that may identify a person at high risk of a heart attack circulating within a haystack of human serum (liquid ...

Rapid test to save Indian vultures from extinction

Vulture population declined at a catastrophic rate on the Indian subcontinent over the past 15 years. In 2004 scientists identified the cause: the drug Diclofenac. Meanwhile the use of this anti-inflammatory agent in veterinary ...

New analysis method can lead to better cancer drugs

While proteins on the surfaces of cells are the targets for most drugs, refined methods are needed to analyze how these membrane proteins are organized. Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have developed a new DNA-based ...

Android grabs more tablet market share: survey

Tablet computers powered by Google's Android software are increasing their global market share but Apple's iPad still dominates the category, a research firm said Thursday.

'Law as Data' explores radical leap for legal analysis

Four thousand years ago, human societies underwent a fundamental transition when the rules governing how people interact shifted from oral custom to written laws: first captured in stone tablets such as the Code of Hammurabi, ...

Breaking the limit of chemical compounds

Since the end of the 19th century, transition metal carbonyls have been an important and familiar class of compound in coordination chemistry and organometallic chemistry. In these materials, carbon monoxide molecules (CO) ...

Batting blight with big data

As Midwestern Rust Belt cities grapple with painful economic transitions, housing blight threatens to choke out once-thriving urban centers.

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