Amazon tablet seen as worthy iPad rival

With Amazon reportedly poised to launch a tablet computer, technology research firm Forrester is predicting the device could be the first legitimate challenger to Apple's iPad.

Apple takes role of invader in Samsung-loyal South Korea

South Korea's technology czar was meeting with reporters a few weeks ago when talk turned to smart phones and the choice faced by tens of millions of tech-savvy consumers here: whether to buy Apple Inc.'s iPhone 4 or Samsung ...

'Fighting' IED attacks with SCARE technology

( -- University of Maryland researchers have developed and successfully tested new computer software and computational techniques to analyze patterns of improvised explosive device (IED) attacks in Iraq, Afghanistan ...

Taiwan's chip makers still face dangers: analysts

Taiwan's chip makers, powerful drivers of growth on the island, may have survived their worst crisis ever, but lacklustre sales and new rivals still make these risky times.

'Collapse' in semiconductor demand hits ASML

Dutch computer chip equipment maker ASML announced net losses for the first quarter after a collapse in sales, but said it saw signs of improving market conditions.

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