New NASA web portal shines beacon on rising seas

Sea level rise is a critical global issue affecting millions across our planet. A new Web portal developed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, gives researchers, decision makers and the public alike ...

Economical and effective security design

Operators of infrastructures such as power grids and airports are expected to ensure a high level of security – but their financial means are limited. Fraunhofer researchers have developed an analysis tool for evaluating ...

Seabed study shows inhabitants' diversity

The tiny creatures that live in seabed sediments are far more genetically varied than we thought – and they're spread around the oceans according to similar rules to those governing the distribution of bigger plants and ...

For secure software: X-rays instead of passport control

Trust is good, control is better. This also applies to the security of computer programs. Instead of trusting "identification documents" in the form of certificates, JOANA, the new software analysis tool, examines the source ...

NASA image: Earth's atmospheric layers

International Space Station astronauts captured this photo of Earth's atmospheric layers on July 31, 2011, revealing the troposphere (orange-red), stratosphere and above. Satellite instruments allow scientists to better understand ...

More secure app store for Android

Apps. Everyone has them and everyone uses them. These small computer programs installed on our smartphones and tablet computers make work and play easier. With just the tip of a finger on the square icons, we know where and ...

Making sense of patterns in the Twitterverse

If you think keeping up with what's happening via Twitter, Facebook and other social media is like drinking from a fire hose, multiply that by 7 billion – and you'll have a sense of what Court Corley wakes up to every morning.

High speed cancer profiling

( —Identify the type of cancer for patients with breast cancer in a few minutes. This is the challenge that EPFL researchers successfully met by presenting their new "microfluidic chip." Their research is written ...

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