Study shows city rats eat better than country rats

A pair of researchers, one with Trent University in Canada, the other the University of Manchester in the U.K. has found evidence that rats living in cities have a much richer diet than rats living in the country. In their ...

DNA analyses reveal secrets about the Pacific oyster

The Pacific oyster is picky about temperature in most of its life stages. For maturation and spawning to be completed, temperatures higher than 16-20 degrees are required for several days in a row. After hatching, the larvae, ...

'Ghost snake' discovered in Madagascar

Researchers discovered a new snake species in Madagascar and named it "ghost snake" for its pale grey coloration and elusiveness. They found the ghost snake on a recently opened path within the well-traveled Ankarana National ...

Tying lipstick smears from crime scenes to specific brands

It's a common forensic TV show trope: A crime is committed, there are no suspects, and then detectives find a faint lipstick mark. The sample is put in an evidence bag and sent to the lab. Then boom, they analyze it in minutes ...

A hot Jupiter around a sun-like star

There are almost 1800 confirmed exoplanets known today, and over 4000 exoplanet candidates. Astronomers have obtained estimates for the masses and radii (and hence the average densities) of over four hundred of these confirmed ...

Creating a fast-track for accurately classifying plants

It can take botanists decades to accurately classify plants after they've collected and stored away samples from the wild. But now Oxford University researchers have developed a technique to streamline the process—and it's ...

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