Tall water waves behave unexpectedly

(PhysOrg.com) -- In investigating the behavior of large-amplitude standing water waves, mathematician Jon Wilkening of the University of California, Berkeley, has discovered that the waves’ behavior cannot be explained ...

Adding up photons with a transition edge sensor

(PhysOrg.com) -- Scientists have demonstrated that a superconducting detector called a transition edge sensor (TES) is capable of counting the number of as many as 1,000 photons in a single pulse of light with an accuracy ...

How bats stay on target despite the clutter (w/ Video)

In a paper published this week in Science, researchers at Brown University and from the Republic of Georgia have learned how bats can home in on a target, while nearly instantaneously taking account of and dismissing other ...

Scientists discover new water waves

(PhysOrg.com) -- By precisely shaking a container of shallow water, researchers have observed wave behavior that has never been seen before. In a new study, Jean Rajchenbach, Alphonse Leroux, and Didier Clamond of the University ...

Squeezed light from single atoms

(PhysOrg.com) -- Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics scientists generate amplitude-squeezed light fields using single atoms trapped inside optical cavities.

New laser technology prepares to revolutionize communications

As fiber optic technology continues to advance, it faces challenges from both its physical properties and its use of infrastructure. One emerging high-speed solution being developed at Stevens Institute of Technology uses ...

'Molecular Rollar Coaster' can distinguish between molecules

Research that made it to the cover of the authoritative scientific journal Analytical Chemistry this week has shown that the detection method developed by Dutch researchers at the University of Twente is even more sensitive ...

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