US gasoline consumption is higher than ever

August was the biggest month ever for U.S. gasoline consumption. Americans used a staggering 9.7 million barrels per day. That's more than a gallon per day for every U.S. man, woman and child.

High-tech industry big immigration bill winner

(AP)—More than any other group, the high-tech industry got big wins in an immigration bill approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, thanks to a concerted lobbying effort, an ideally positioned Senate ally and ...

Amid China row, US to help firms guard trade secrets

Amid rising concern over alleged cyber crime originating from China, the White House will unveil a new plan Wednesday to help US firms thwart the theft of billions of dollars in trade secrets.

Immigrant-led startups on the decline in US: study

The number of US high-tech startups founded by immigrants, which has long been a source of growth for the American economy, has begun to slip, according to a study released Tuesday.

Chinese-Americans don't overborrow, study finds

Bad mortgage loans and rampant consumer debt were two of the primary causes for the recent economic recession in the U.S. Despite a national trend of debt problems, a University of Missouri researcher has found one American ...

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