Related topics: climate change · amazon · deforestation

Climate change 'tipping points' too close for comfort

Loading the atmosphere with five million tonnes of CO2 every hour has pushed Earth dangerously close to a no-return threshold, beyond which lies an unlivable hothouse world, top climate scientists have warned.

Scientists suggest binding goals to rescue Amazon

As thousands of wildfires and deforestation escalate in the Amazon rainforest, a team of international scientists has called for governments to enact six key goals to protect the vital wilderness.

Human activities are drying out the Amazon: NASA study

A new NASA study shows that over the last 20 years, the atmosphere above the Amazon rainforest has been drying out, increasing the demand for water and leaving ecosystems vulnerable to fires and drought. It also shows that ...

Massive wildfires hit southern Brazil's Pantanal

Wildfires are raging across the Pantanal tropical wetlands in southern Brazil, one of the most biodiverse areas in the world and a major tourist destination, regional authorities said Thursday.

'Moment of truth' at key UN climate summit

Some 60 world leaders came together at the UN Monday for a "climate emergency" summit aimed at reinvigorating the faltering Paris agreement, at a time when mankind is releasing more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than ...

As global leaders meet, the Amazon rainforest burns

The fires that burned through the Amazon rainforest last month sparked international outcry and offers of help, but as world leaders meet in New York, the planet's largest rainforest remains engulfed in flames.

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