Stronger materials could bloom with new images of plastic flow

Imagine dropping a tennis ball onto a bedroom mattress. The tennis ball will bend the mattress a bit, but not permanently—pick the ball back up, and the mattress returns to its original position and strength. Scientists ...

DIY radiative cooler developed to serve as a research standard

The term "greenhouse effect" became part of public lexicon decades ago, thanks to the ongoing discourse on climate change. A natural phenomenon, the greenhouse effect describes how heat from the sun, in the form of radiation, ...

New hydrogen storage material steps on the gas

Hydrogen is increasingly viewed as essential to a sustainable world energy economy because it can store surplus renewable power, decarbonize transportation and serve as a zero-emission energy carrier. However, conventional ...

Scientists propose IAP process for separation of aluminum alloys

Prof. Shi Weiqun's group from the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has proposed a modified electrorefining process to recover actinides, namely in-situ anodic precipitation (IAP). This study, ...

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