Navy tests ocean drones off US coast

Just beneath the placid, sailboat-dotted surface of Narragansett Bay, torpedo-shaped vehicles spin and pivot to their own rhythm, carrying out missions programmed by their U.S. Navy masters.

Fuel efficiency tops wish list of new-car buyers

Fuel efficiency was the most important car-purchase factor for 37 percent of those surveyed in the new Consumer Reports National Research Center car-owner survey.

The challenge of making consumers buy electric vehicles

The electric car might not be enjoying a good moment. General Motors Corp. stopped production for five weeks on the Chevy Volt, and sales of new all-electric cars such as the Volt and the Nissan Leaf are dismal. It's further ...

New catalyst for safe, reversible hydrogen storage

( -- Scientists at the Brookhaven National Laboratory and collaborators have developed a new catalyst that reversibly converts hydrogen gas and carbon dioxide to a liquid under very mild conditions. The work -- ...

Researchers create more efficient hydrogen fuel cells

Hydrogen fuel cells, like those found in some "green" vehicles, have a lot of promise as an alternative fuel source, but making them practical on a large scale requires them to be more efficient and cost effective.

Improving logistics of biofuel raw materials

If the increased use of biomass to produce alternative fuels is to become a reality, more attention needs to be paid to logistics – how, for example, biomass raw materials are shipped from farm to refinery, as well as ...

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