First humans in Tasmania must have seen spectacular auroras

Drilling a 270,000-year old core from a Tasmanian lake has provided the first Australian record of a major global event where the Earth's magnetic field 'switched'—and the opportunity to establish a precedent for developing ...

Greenland ice melts most in half-century: US

Greenland's ice sheet melted the most it has in over a half century last year, US government scientists said Tuesday in one of a series of "unmistakable" signs of climate change.

Warming to devastate glaciers, Antarctic icesheet - studies

Global warming may wipe out three-quarters of Europe's alpine glaciers by 2100 and hike sea levels by four metres (13 feet) by the year 3000 through melting the West Antarctic icesheet, two studies published on Sunday said.

Austrian scientists race to reveal melting glaciers' secrets

Jumping from rock to rock to rock over a creek formed off Austria's Jamtal glacier, scientist Andrea Fischer worries that precious scientific data will be irreversibly lost as the snow and ice melt faster than ever.

8000-year quake record improves understanding of Alpine Fault

( -- A geological study of the southern section of the New Zealand's Alpine Fault spanning the past 8000 years has given scientists an improved understanding of the behaviour of this major plate boundary fault.

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