Deep Alpine Fault borehole primed with instruments

An ambitious project to drill 1.3 kilometres into the Alpine Fault has been halted early by equipment problems, but it has still yielded a large amount of useful information about the inner workings of the fault.

Deep fault drilling project

It rains a lot in the tiny south Westland town of Whataroa. Every year, this region gets some of the highest rainfall totals recorded anywhere in the World and Whataroa is one of the wetter parts. The town is nestled beneath ...

Alpine drilling fault project moves into new phase

The multi-national Alpine Fault drilling project has moved to a new phase with a new drilling rig positioned over the borehole to take the probe to its target depth of 1.3km

Scientific drilling project underway on Alpine Fault

The ambitious project near Whataroa, north of Franz Josef Glacier, is expected to take about two months to complete. It will enable scientists to install monitoring equipment deep inside the fault to record small earthquakes ...

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