French minister presses Renault to back Nissan reforms

French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire on Tuesday urged Renault to back governance reforms at Japan's Nissan, saying it would send a "positive sign" for the future of the alliance between the two car makers.

The complicated balance of predators and prey

If you knew there was a grizzly bear sitting outside the door, you might wait a while before going to fill up your water bottle, or you might change the way you are communicating with their other people in the room based ...

Media group study finds Google makes billions from news

Google took in some $4.7 billion in revenue in 2018 from "crawling and scraping" news websites without paying publishers, according to an industry-sponsored study released Monday which was disputed by the tech giant and media ...

Physicists decipher social cohesion issues

Migrations happen for a reason, not randomly. A new study, based on computer simulation, attempts to explain the effect of so-called directional migration – migration for a reason – on cooperative behaviours and social ...

Brown's climate efforts look to space

When Gov. Jerry Brown said California should launch its own satellite in the 1970s, the plan was considered so far-fetched that critics dubbed him Gov. Moonbeam.

How asymmetrical alliances impact firm performance and risk

Researchers from University of Georgia, University of South Carolina, and University of Arkansas published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that analyzes how asymmetries in pre-alliance network ties between a firm ...

Yahoo! in online ad alliance with Google

Yahoo! on Wednesday announced an advertising alliance with Google, the company that dethroned the pioneering Internet firm in the world of Internet search.

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