What future for Renault after Ghosn scandal?

Behind bars in Japan, Carlos Ghosn has already been stripped of his leadership roles at Nissan and Mitsubishi—leaving questions for Renault, the third carmaker in their alliance, over who should steer the French company ...

Renault alliance 'not in danger': Nissan CEO tells AFP

Nissan's alliance with France's Renault is not in danger "at all", the Japanese automaker's CEO told AFP on Monday, despite tensions exposed by the arrest of the partnership's chief Carlos Ghosn.

Ideal marriage partners drive Waorani warriors to war

Why do people go to war when the consequences of warfare are so dramatic? Scholars have suggested that the motivations for participating in war either lie in the individual rewards warriors receive (to the victor goes the ...

The complicated balance of predators and prey

If you knew there was a grizzly bear sitting outside the door, you might wait a while before going to fill up your water bottle, or you might change the way you are communicating with their other people in the room based ...

Brown's climate efforts look to space

When Gov. Jerry Brown said California should launch its own satellite in the 1970s, the plan was considered so far-fetched that critics dubbed him Gov. Moonbeam.

It's a girl,girl,boy,girl...! Baby boom at two-zoo partnership

About a year after moving into spacious new digs in New Orleans, African animals are doing just what officials from two zoos had hoped when they created the forested paddocks: being fruitful and multiplying. Seven antelope ...

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