European colonial legacy is still visible in today's alien floras

Alien floras in regions that were once occupied by the same European power are, on average, more similar to each other compared to outside regions and this similarity increases with the length of time a region was occupied. ...

Scaling laws in enzymes may help predict life 'as we don't know it'

The only references we have for "life" are the forms we know on Earth. Astrobiologists suspect that the search for alien life, and even for the origins of life on Earth, may require a broader scope. A NASA-funded team of ...

Dimensions of invasive plant success

Invasive alien plants are plant species that grow in an environment outside their native habitat. If they successfully establish self-sustaining populations in these new environments—an event called "naturalization"—they ...

Invasive species costing Africa $3.66 tn a year: study

Invasive species introduced by human activity are costing African agriculture some $3.66 trillion every year—around 1.5 times the combined gross domestic product of all African countries—new research showed Thursday.

Invasional meltdown in multi-species plant communities

Invasive alien plant species can pose a serious threat to native biodiversity and to human well-being. Identifying the factors that contribute to invasion success is therefore crucial. Previous studies on biological invasions ...

Protected areas worldwide at risk of invasive species

Protected areas across the globe are effectively keeping invasive animals at bay, but the large majority of them are at risk of invasions, finds a China-UK research team involving UCL.

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