First transiting planets in a star cluster discovered

( —All stars begin their lives in groups. Most stars, including our Sun, are born in small, benign groups that quickly fall apart. Others form in huge, dense swarms that survive for billions of years as stellar ...

New method of finding planets scores its first discovery

( —Detecting alien worlds presents a significant challenge since they are small, faint, and close to their stars. The two most prolific techniques for finding exoplanets are radial velocity (looking for wobbling ...

Solved: The mystery of the nanoscale crop circles

( -- Almost three years ago a team of scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) was performing an experiment in which layers of gold mere nanometers (billionths ...

Bacteria can grow under extreme gravity: study

( -- A new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that bacteria is capable of growing under gravity more than 400,000 times that of Earth and gives evidence that the theory of panspermia ...

Delayed legacy of invasive species

( -- A team of researchers in Europe has urged governments to introduce tougher controls of all international trade that could result in the introduction of non-native species. They say the full impact of alien ...

Mars was Wet, but was it Warm?

Mars is frozen today, but when it was young there may have been liquid water on its surface. What does the latest evidence indicate about the ancient martian climate? Understanding the past environment of Mars can help future ...

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