How Mars failures helped the Curiosity rover land

Mars is a graveyard; a spot where many a spacecraft slammed into the surface or perhaps, burned up in the atmosphere. This added drama to the Mars Curiosity rover landing last August.

Is there really any life 'out there'?

Mankind should not assume that it will definitely find life on alien planets according to a hypothesis being presented at the Royal Society, the UK's national academy of science, this week. Professor Charles Cockell, Director ...

ESA tests self-steering rover in 'Mars' desert

( -- ESA assembled a top engineering team then challenged them to devise a way for rovers to navigate on alien planets. Six months later, a fully autonomous vehicle was charting its own course through Chile’s ...

Divide the Antarctic to protect native species, propose experts

An international team of scientists have published the first continent-wide assessment of the Antarctic's biogeography, and propose that the landmass should be divided into 15 distinct conservation regions to protect the ...

How would humans respond to first contact from an alien world?

According to Star Trek lore, it is only 51 years until humans encounter their first contact with an alien species. In the movie “Star Trek: First Contact,” on April 5, 2063, Vulcans pay a visit to an Earth recovering ...

Analysis of the First Kepler SETI Observations

As the Kepler space telescope begins finding its first Earth-sized exoplanets, with the ultimate goal of finding ones that are actually Earth-like, it would seem natural that the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) ...

A different kind of immigrant problem

The Harlequin ladybeetle, Japanese knotweed and the American lobster – while this trio of creatures may have friendly sounding names, they are all introduced species in Norway, and may be anything but friendly to the ...

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