Urban birds prefer native trees, shows long-term study

Small passerine birds, such as blue and great tits, avoid breeding in urban areas where there are many non-native trees. Chicks also weigh less the more non-native trees there are in the vicinity of the nest. This is shown ...

NASA turns to AI to design mission hardware

Spacecraft and mission hardware designed by an artificial intelligence may resemble bones left by some alien species, but they weigh less, tolerate higher structural loads, and require a fraction of the time parts designed ...

How non-native tree species affect biodiversity

Non-native forest tree species can reduce native species diversity if they are planted in uniform stands. In contrast, the effects of introduced species on soil properties are small. This was found by an international review ...

Alien land snail species are increasing exponentially, says study

Invasive land snail species can displace native species and harm human health. A recent study by the Leibniz Institute for Biodiversity Change Analysis (LIB) compiles an overview of the exponential increase and dynamic spread ...

European colonial legacy is still visible in today's alien floras

Alien floras in regions that were once occupied by the same European power are, on average, more similar to each other compared to outside regions and this similarity increases with the length of time a region was occupied. ...

Surveying an island invaded by toads and frogs

A study of invasive toads and bullfrogs on Sado Island in the Sea of Japan offers insights into the threat of invasive species worldwide. Kiyoto Sawada and colleagues at the University of Tsukuba in Japan discuss their findings ...

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