Cultivation of microalgae via an innovative technology

Preliminary laboratory scale studies have shown consistent biomass production and weekly a thick microalgal biofilm could be harvested. A new and innovative harvesting device has been developed for ALGADISK able to directly ...

Sustainable algae cultivation making headway

Four years after the first optimistic calculations, the experimental cultivation of algae appears to be meeting expectations. Production costs have been more than halved, while the profit made on some crop components already ...

'Milking' algal cells proves efficient alternative

Biofuel researchers have dramatically improved microalgae hydrocarbon productivity by using non-destructive extraction, akin to 'milking' algal cells as opposed to the conventional harvest and destruction.

Turning algae into biofuels

Pecos is usually egg-frying hot, bone dry and much of the groundwater is brackish, but Texas A&M AgriLife Research personnel know the area is prime real estate for conducting algae research, something they've been doing successfully ...

Aussie algae fuel green oil hope

Newly trialled native algae species provide real hope for the development of commercially viable fuels from algae, a University of Queensland scientist has found.

Can plastic be made from algae?

Algae are an interesting natural resource because they proliferate quickly. They are not impinging on food production. And they need nothing but sunlight and a bit of waste water to grow on. Scientists working for theSPLASH ...

Increasing efficiency of hydrogen production from green algae

New research results from Uppsala University, Sweden, instill hope of efficient hydrogen production with green algae being possible in the future, despite the prevailing scepticism based on previous research. The study, which ...

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