Wine yeasts reveal prehistoric microbial world

However, one of the most well-known characteristics of yeast is the ability of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, baker's yeast, to ferment sugar to 2-carbon components, in particular ethanol, without completely oxidising it to carbon ...

Exploring the Stone Age pantry

The consumption of wild cereals among prehistoric hunters and gatherers appears to be far more ancient than previously thought, according to a University of Calgary archaeologist who has found the oldest example of extensive ...

Why doesn't water help with spicy food? What about milk or beer?

Spicy foods taste spicy because they contain a family of compounds called capsaicinoids. Capsaicin is the major culprit. It's found in chilies, jalapeƱos, cayenne pepper, and is even the active ingredient in pepper spray.

The science behind the fizz: How the bubbles make the beverage

From popping a bottle of champagne for a celebration to cracking open a soda while watching the Super Bowl, everyone is familiar with fizz. But little is known about the chemistry behind the bubbles. Now, one group sheds ...

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