The smell of fear warns other voles

Many encounters between predators and prey take place in dense vegetation. Predators lurk and wait for the best moment to attack, but are seldom visible. For a prey animal, the smell of a predator is one of many signals for ...

Cable ties probably won't stop magpie attacks

Every spring in Australia is heralded by reports of magpies swooping at people. While it is of little comfort to those at the receiving end of a surprise attack, such events are actually quite rare when one considers the ...

Don't panic: Lessons learned from Hawaii false alarm

When Hawaiian Island residents received a false alarm text message that said "Ballistic missile threat inbound to Hawaii. Seek immediate shelter. This is not a drill," in January 2018, the result was not panic, according ...

Fewer false alarms in intensive care

Researchers at ETH Zurich are applying machine learning in intensive care units to distinguish between false alarms and those signalling real medical issues.

Fish's rapid response to climate change

When a chemical alarm cue is released into one of two flumes, the normal response for a fish is to swim down the flume without the chemical. But when the water is more acidic, some fish do not behave normally: instead they ...

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