Can technology stop scourge of bicycle thefts?

Urban cyclists have more in common than an aptitude for pedaling through city streets - they share the ever-present dread of one day discovering their bicycle missing from the bike rack, or finding only the skeletal remains ...

How dividing cells avoid setting off false virus alarms

One feature of cell division has long puzzled scientists. The nucleus briefly disappears, leaving the cell's DNA exposed. Normally, bare DNA indicates a viral infection and triggers enzymatic alarms that alert the immune ...

Review: Home shields you from non-Facebook tasks

When I got my first smartphone in 2010, I checked Facebook obsessively. But over time, the novelty wore off and opening Facebook's app to check photos, links and posts from friends turned into a chore.

How bacteria cope with stress

When exposed to stress, bacteria allow their metabolism to take a break during which they suppress, for example, the incorporation of proteins into membranes. Scientists from Marburg, Freiburg and Munich have discovered this ...

Nest Labs disables feature on smoke alarms

The high-tech home monitoring device company Nest Labs is disabling a feature on its smoke alarms due to the risk that owners could unintentionally turn off the device with the wave of a hand.

Cable ties probably won't stop magpie attacks

Every spring in Australia is heralded by reports of magpies swooping at people. While it is of little comfort to those at the receiving end of a surprise attack, such events are actually quite rare when one considers the ...

Testing the "safety alarm 2.0"

If scientists get their way, we will soon be able to measure grandma's acceleration. If she has a fall, that is.

Enhancing earthquake detection from orbit

When a major earthquake strikes, nearby seismometers can inform rapid alerts to residents and emergency services that potentially hazardous shaking or tsunamis may be headed their way. However, local seismometer measurements ...

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