Related topics: carbon emissions ยท climate change

Wi-Fi hotspot named for terror group delays flight

A passenger aboard a plane at Los Angeles International Airport picked up a Wi-Fi hotspot named after a terrorist group, but authorities who held travelers for hours as they investigated say no crime was committed.

Malaysia defends military inaction on MH370 radar

Malaysia's defense minister on Monday defended his military's failure to scramble a fighter jet to follow a Malaysian airliner when it veered off course and vanished two months ago, saying it wasn't seen as a hostile object.

Four questions about missing Malaysian plane answered

Travelers at Asian airports have asked questions about the March 8 disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 while en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Here are some of them, followed by answers.

EU climate chief revives airline carbon tax proposal

The EU's top climate-change official said Wednesday that Brussels was within its rights to tax airlines for emissions in its airspace, reviving a controversial proposal that drew a storm of criticism.

EU urges global deal on airline pollution

The EU on Tuesday urged nations to accept a compromise on plans to curb airline carbon emissions at a key UN conference, though resistance to striking an overall deal remains fierce.

Airline industry calls for CO2 emissions plan

The airline industry's mouthpiece called Monday for uniform global measures by 2020 to curb all aircraft carbon emissions, warning that a patchwork of competing proposals could emerge otherwise.

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