Related topics: carbon emissions · climate change

Highly active volcano erupts on Reunion amid media frenzy

Journalists arriving this week to the Indian Ocean island Reunion to report about the discovery of a jet wing fragment were met with another spectacular sight: the eruption of one of the Earth's most active volcanoes.

Airlines get new tools to avoid turbulence

Airlines are using new software that transmits weather data from planes in the air to analysts on the ground, allowing pilots to avoid turbulence that can injure passengers and damage planes.

Is cyberjacking a new threat to air travel?

When Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 vanished en route to Beijing in March 2014, the horror and mystery of the story captivated the public. And as with any mystery, the lack of a definitive answer left a void for speculation ...

The ever-evolving cyber threat to planes

Hackers and cyber-terrorists present an ever-evolving threat to airlines, with experts constantly testing for new vulnerabilities—including the fear that drones could be used to throw a plane off course.

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