Related topics: carbon emissions ยท climate change

What COVID-19 can teach tourism about the climate crisis

The global coronavirus pandemic has hit the tourism industry hard worldwide. Not only that, but it has exposed a lack of resilience to any type of downturn, according to new research from Lund University in Sweden. While ...

New scanner aims to make liquids on planes safer

The latest airport security technology being developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory could open the door for airline passengers to bring their soft drinks and full-size shampoo bottles on board again.

Free app protects Facebook accounts from hackers

( -- Two University of California, Riverside graduate students and a company run by an alumnus of the school have partnered to develop a free Facebook application that detects spam and malware posted on users' ...

What a black box can tell us about missing flight MH370

As the search continues for wreckage from the missing Malaysia Airlines plane it's probable that answers surrounding the mystery of flight MH370 will not be available until the recorders are recovered.

Air travel and climate: A potential new feedback?

Global air travel contributes around 3.5 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions behind/driving anthropogenic climate change, according to the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). But what impact does a warming planet ...

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