Related topics: carbon emissions · climate change

Laptop ban creates turbulence for airline profits

A carry-on ban by Washington and London for laptops on flights from some airports will hit the profits of affected airlines, especially the lucrative business class segments of Gulf carriers, analysts said Thursday.

NASA air traffic management research tool shows new colors

A pivotal piece of NASA air traffic management (ATM) software is getting fresh attention as the agency and its government, industry and academic partners prepare to test new ideas for more efficiently guiding aircraft through ...

Sony attack shows shifting online security threat

The boundary between the online and physical worlds got blurry last week when Sony's PlayStation Network was disabled by an online attack, while simultaneously an American Airlines passenger jet carrying a Sony executive ...

Boeing 737 MAX and the cost of a grounded fleet

Boeing's 737 MAX fleet has been grounded by airlines around the world for the last three weeks. First flown commercially in 2017, the 737 MAX is the fourth generation of Boeing's 737 series and it is actually not unusual ...

Technology hindered, helped search for Flight 370

The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has presented two tales of modern technology. The limitations of tracking and communications devices allowed the plane to vanish from sight for nearly three weeks. But satellites' ...

New study identifies success factors of extraordinary CIOs

A just completed multi-year research project by the Fisher CIO Leadership Program at UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business has uncovered the most important, role specific career success factors of chief information officers.

United Tech sees $1b or more in share buybacks

(AP)—The chief financial officer of United Technologies Corp. says the aerospace giant expects to spend at least $1 billion buying back shares this year.

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