Airbus wing plant is a model of robotic technology

Like a cartoon space alien with a dome-like skull, an Airbus Beluga transport plane arriving from Madrid drops from the sky above this village 200 miles northwest of London and taxis to a stop with its front end tucked inside ...

New sensor could prolong the lifespan of high-temperature engines

A temperature sensor developed by researchers at the University of Cambridge could improve the efficiency, control and safety of high-temperature engines. The sensor minimises drift –degradation of the sensor which results ...

Experts mull over lessons from Brazil plane crash

(AP) -- The mysterious disappearance of an Air France jet this week while flying over the Atlantic in fierce thunderstorms is stirring a debate about whether new technologies and procedures are needed to prevent similar ...

Airbus racks up orders, glitches at Paris Air Show

(AP) -- Airbus stumbled at the launch of the aviation industry's premier event Monday as its star superjumbo clipped a wing and a gearbox glitch derailed a demonstration flight.

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