Video: Testing LISA Pathfinder

This timelapse video shows teams from ESA and Airbus Defence and Space (the prime contractor for LISA Pathfinder) carrying out a simulation of the commissioning of the LISA Technology Package, the scientific heart of the ...

Green love-in at Paris Air Show but weaker sales

It was a love-in between ministers and industry execs as the Paris Air Show focused on environmental issues Thursday, but it capped a week of lower sales for big hitters Airbus and Boeing.

The ever-evolving cyber threat to planes

Hackers and cyber-terrorists present an ever-evolving threat to airlines, with experts constantly testing for new vulnerabilities—including the fear that drones could be used to throw a plane off course.

Green-minded Paris Air Show takes off

The world's leading air show opened Monday near the French capital with a special focus on green issues alongside the traditional sales war between Airbus and Boeing.

5 things to watch at next week's Paris Air Show

Just eight miles from the center of Paris, the normally sleepy aerodrome in Le Bourget will undergo its biennial transformation into the center of the world's $700 billion aerospace and defense industry when it hosts the ...

Airbus developing reusable space rocket launcher

European aircraft and aerospace giant Airbus has unveiled plans for a reusable space rocket launcher that should be ready in 2025, which the firm says will be radically different from the concept of rival US firm Space X.

Boeing, Airbus at odds over black boxes that eject

The world's two largest commercial aircraft manufacturers are at odds over equipping airliners with black boxes that eject in the event of a crash, making them easier to find.

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