New research improves global climate models

When it comes to understanding climate change, there is the easy part and the hard part. The easy part is understanding how greenhouses gasses such as carbon dioxide and methane trap solar radiation and warm the planet. The ...

Ocean life triggers ice formation in clouds

Researchers have shown for the first time that phytoplankton (plant life) in remote ocean regions can contribute to rare airborne particles that trigger ice formation in clouds. Results published this week (Wednesday 9 September) ...

Laser-brightened cirrus clouds

( —Intense laser light pulses increase the brightness of high cirrus clouds. Together with colleagues from Berlin and Geneva, climate researchers from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have been investigating ...

Lord of the Wings: Elevated particles a rising star

(—Researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, in collaboration with colleagues at NASA Ames Research Center, developed a next-generation assessment of tiny airborne particle-understanding capability, ...

Airborne particles smuggle pollutants to far reaches of globe

Pollution from fossil fuel burning and forest fires reaches all the way to the Arctic, even though it should decay long before it travels that far. Now, lab research can explain how pollution makes its lofty journey: rather ...

Jelly-like atmospheric particles resist chemical aging

(—Atmospheric chemists at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have found that when it comes to secondary organic material in the atmosphere, there are two distinct breeds: liquids and ...

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