Dust in the wind: Forecasting storms with AI

Dust storms are not only a nuisance for anyone trying to keep their house spick and span, they also pose a very real health hazard and are a major ecological concern. Respiratory problems caused by breathing in dust and other ...

Bacteria can travel thousands of kilometers on airborne dust

When winds lift dust off the ground, attached bacteria go along for the ride. These airborne bacteria make up aerobiomes, which, when the dust settles again, can alter environmental chemistry and affect human and animal health, ...

The dust storm microbiome

Israel is subjected to sand and dust storms from several directions: northeast from the Sahara, northwest from Saudi Arabia and southwest from the desert regions of Syria. The airborne dust carried in these storms affects ...

Iron fertilization won't work in much of Pacific, says study

Over the past half-million years, the equatorial Pacific Ocean has seen five spikes in the amount of iron-laden dust blown in from the continents. In theory, those bursts should have turbo-charged the growth of the ocean's ...

What dust may have to do with Earth's rapidly warming poles

(Phys.org)—As earth's climate warms, scientists have tried to understand why the poles are heating up two to three times faster than the rest of the planet. Airborne dust, it turns out, may play a key role.

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