Satellite data improve aviation safety

( -- Thousands of planes are grounded across Europe due to the spread of volcanic ash following the recent eruption under Iceland's Eyjafjallajoekull glacier. Volcanic eruptions eject large amounts of ash and ...

Three pieces of evidence point to jet's takeover

There are three pieces of evidence that aviation safety experts say make it clear the missing Malaysia Airlines jet was taken over by someone who was knowledgeable about how the plane worked.

Proba-V maps world air traffic from space

As ESA's Proba-V works quietly on its main task of monitoring vegetation growth across Earth, the minisatellite is also picking up something from a little higher: signals from thousands of aircraft.

Most home computers, including yours, are vulnerable to attack

North Korea recently launched a cyber attack on South Korean TV stations and banks. Iran carried out a cyber campaign against U.S. banking sites. The U.S. and Israel released malware that disabled Iranian nuclear centrifuges. ...

Cyber attackers leaving warning 'messages': NSA chief

Attackers hacking into American computer networks appear to be leaving "cyber fingerprints" to send a message that critical systems are vulnerable, the top US cyber-warrior said Thursday.

As good as an atomic clock

Australian researchers have invented a new clock that will bring atomic accuracy to your desk.

UK explores TV transmitter option to track aircraft

(—UK's Technology Strategy Board, a government agency looking for innovative ways of using technology, is funding research into a new way of locating and tracking aircraft. The research project is calling upon ...

NASA satellite to crash into Earth Friday

A six-ton satellite hurtled toward Earth on Friday, and NASA admitted it had little idea where the biggest piece of US space junk in 30 years will crash into the planet.

US cyber commander says hackers to 'pay a price'

The US strategy of "deterrence" for cyber-attacks could involve a wide range or responses, potentially including the use of conventional weapons, the nation's top cyber-warrior said Monday.

Traffic-management website for drones

A pioneering website designed to prevent collisions and crashes among the rapidly growing number of drone aircraft has been developed by the Wright State Research Institute (WSRI).

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