Measuring the sound of a soap bubble popping

A team of researchers from Sorbonne Université and the University of Lille has measured the sounds that occur when a soap bubble pops. In their paper published in the journal Physical Review Letters, the group describes ...

New study changes view on flying insects

For the first time, researchers are able to prove that there is an optimal speed for certain insects when they fly. At this speed, they are the most efficient and consume the least amount of energy. Corresponding phenomena ...

Bats anticipate optimal weather conditions

Millions of animals fly, swim or walk around the Earth every year. To ensure that they reach their destination, they need to perceive precise changes in environmental conditions and choose the right moment to set off on their ...

Designing ice repellent materials

Materials that actively repel water and ice very strongly are sought after by the aviation industry and for many other technical applications. ETH researchers have now found out how to specifically design the rigid surfaces ...

Falling faster—researchers confirm super-terminal raindrops

Five years ago, a research team at Michigan Technological University and Universidad Nacional Autanoma de Mexico (National University of Mexico) detected tiny, super-fast raindrops. The finding was unexpected—small drops ...

An air cushion for falling droplets

Falling droplets bounce as many as fifteen times before they come to rest on a flat surface. In the past, it was believed that this phenomenon is limited to water drops on superhydrophobic surfaces.

Scientists model 'extraordinary' performance of Bolt

As the world's best athletes descend on London today to take part in the Olympic Anniversary Games, a group of researchers from Mexico has provided an insight into the physics of one of the greatest athletic performances ...

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