AI-driven dynamic face mask adapts to exercise, pollution levels

During the coronavirus pandemic, many people have grown accustomed to wearing face masks to protect themselves and others, but that doesn't mean the masks are always comfortable—especially during exercise. Now, researchers ...

Efficient buildings could save thousands of lives in US every year

Buildings in the U.S. are responsible for 40% of the country's total energy consumption. By improving the energy efficiency of new and existing buildings, the emissions generated from heating and cooling them could be reduced—preventing ...

Particles from paints, pesticides can have deadly impact

Hundreds of thousands of people around the world die too soon every year because of exposure to air pollution caused by our daily use of chemical products and fuels, including paints, pesticides, charcoal and gases from vehicle ...

Scientists analyze how the pandemic affected air quality

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we live, and several studies have documented how those widespread changes in human behavior have impacted the environment. NASA scientists and others using data from NASA and our ...

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