TEMPO instrument air quality data now publicly available

Air pollution data on a neighborhood scale are now available in near real-time from the TEMPO instrument (Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution). The mission gathers hourly daytime scans of the atmosphere over North ...

Fine-tuning air pollution models

Air pollution doesn't affect everybody the same way. And in a new study, researchers developed a method to improve estimates of how, within cities, different communities are exposed to fine particulate matter (PM2.5).

One of the world's best radon detectors just got smaller

The need for a smaller, more transportable version of ANSTO's 1,500-liter atmospheric radon-222 monitor, and with a calibration traceable to the International System of Units, prompted the team to develop a 200-liter radon ...

Locating poor air quality in cities

People in big cities breathe bad air. Bad air that consists of particulate matter and other pollutants, which pose health risks to urban citizens. Researchers led by Dr. Martin Ramacher of the Hereon Institute of Coastal ...

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