Related topics: satellite · space shuttle

Ares Super-chute

NASA and U.S. Air Force test pilots have just dropped a 50,000-pound "dummy" rocket booster on the Arizona desert--and stopped it before it crashed. It's all part of NASA's plan to return to the Moon.

NASA soil data joins the Air Force

Getting stuck on a muddy road is a hassle for anyone, but for the U.S. Army it could be far more serious—a matter of life and death in some parts of the world. That's one of the reasons the U.S. Air Force HQ 557th Weather ...

Dragon expected to set historic course

( -- The upcoming launch of a SpaceX spacecraft and rocket on a demonstration flight to the International Space Station is expected to cross a key milestone on the path to operational, commercial missions.

Evolution influenced by temporary microbes

Life on Earth often depends on symbiotic relationships between microbes and other forms of life. A new theory suggests that researchers should consider how symbiotic microbes can influence the evolution of life on Earth, ...

NASA Soil Moisture Mapper arrives at launch site

A NASA spacecraft designed to track Earth's water in one of its most important, but least recognized forms—soil moisture—now is at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, to begin final preparations for launch in January.

Overcoming the bystander effect in chemical ethics

For PNNL chemist and Air Force veteran Kabrena Rodda, living by an honor code is second nature. Her time at the Air Force Academy as both a cadet and later an instructor, instilled in her the value—and possibility—of ...

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