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SpaceX's next cargo launch set for Sept 20

SpaceX's next unmanned cargo trip to restock supplies at the International Space Station is scheduled for September 20, the US space agency said Friday.

Pentagon is investing in a greener military

Think your fuel bill is too high? Have a look at the U.S. military, which spent a whopping $13 billion on petroleum last year to keep its ships, planes and combat vehicles running.

ESA experts assess risk from exploded satellite

After studying the recent explosive break-up of a US satellite, ESA space debris experts have concluded this event does not increase the collision risk to nearby ESA missions in any meaningful way.

SpaceX poised for high-stakes space station launch

SpaceX on Saturday aims to become the first private company to send its own cargo ship to the International Space Station, a feat that only a handful of world governments have pulled off.

Team harnesses spin of electrons to power tech devices

Building on the Air Force's need to develop tech devices that require minimal charging in the field, the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) is using principles in quantum science and engineering to build a graphene-based ...

Study reveals unexpected fire role in longleaf pine forests

The longleaf pine forests of the southeastern U.S. depend on frequent fire to maintain their structure and the diversity of plants and animals they support. New research from the University of Georgia has found that fire ...

Key facts about SpaceX

Space Exploration Technologies is the first private company to attempt to send its own cargo capsule to the International Space Station and back.

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