Who owns and controls Danish agricultural land?

Investments are not just about money, and they don't just impact the agricultural economy but also the dynamics of the agricultural sector itself. In Denmark, external investments have played an increasingly influential role ...

Middle East know-how can help feed drier, hotter world

The Middle East's expertise in handling heat could be of benefit worldwide, writes Aly Abousabaa, director general of the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) and CGIAR's regional director ...

Chemicals from maize roots influence wheat yield

Maize roots secrete certain chemicals that affect the quality of soil. In some fields, this effect increases yields of wheat planted subsequent to maize in the same soil by more than 4%. This was proven by researchers from ...

Genetic blueprint for vaccine and therapeutics production in plants

An international research project led by QUT has made a major step forward on the potential of the Australian plant, N. benthamiana, to grow therapeutic proteins and vaccines cheaply and quickly. The research, titled "A multi-omic ...

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