Scientists use wasps to protect local citrus crops from disease

They look like grains of black sand inside a prescription vial. But each speck is a wasp that is lethal to the offspring of the Asian citrus psyllid, an aphid-size bug that spreads the bacteria that cause Huanglongbing, or ...

Obama administration warns 2015 wildfires could be costly

Despite a wet spring, the Obama administration warned Tuesday that this summer's wildfires could drain the federal firefighting budget and force government agencies to transfer money from programs meant to reduce long-term ...

Guide for healthy eating may consider environment

The government issues dietary guidelines every five years to encourage Americans to eat healthier. This year's version may look at what is healthy for the environment, too.

13 primates die at South Texas research facility

A South Texas research facility where 13 primates died of hyperthermia in overheated rooms could face federal penalties, a U.S. Department of Agriculture spokeswoman said Monday.

Borers branch out from ash trees

Bad news in the bug department: The emerald ash borer, a tiny, glitter-green insect from China expected to kill virtually all ash trees in the eastern U.S. - unless they are treated with expensive chemicals - may have a new ...

USDA approves GMO potato designed by Simplot

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has approved commercial planting of a potato that is genetically modified to resist bruising and to produce less of a chemical that has caused cancer in animals.

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