Study finds new way in which plants control flower production

The timing of flowering in plants is critical. It can have profound effects on flower, fruit, and seed production, and consequently agricultural yields. This process is known to depend on daylight and temperature cues. However, ...

Potassium depletion in soil threatens global crop yields

Potassium deficiency in agricultural soils is a largely unrecognized but potentially significant threat to global food security if left unaddressed, finds new research involving researchers at UCL, University of Edinburgh ...

Genetic blueprint for vaccine and therapeutics production in plants

An international research project led by QUT has made a major step forward on the potential of the Australian plant, N. benthamiana, to grow therapeutic proteins and vaccines cheaply and quickly. The research, titled "A multi-omic ...

Tree rows in modern agriculture reduce damage to environment

Alley cropping is the agricultural practice of planting rows, or alleys, of trees in fields of crops. According to a new study by an international, multidisciplinary research team led by the University of Göttingen, this ...

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