Is nitrogen the new carbon?

In looking forward to the next Green Revolution, researchers have been carefully examining the role of nitrogen fixation in delivering successful crops around the globe.

New tools for sustainable farming

Environmentalists are just as fond of talking about it as are politicians, economists or marketing experts - "sustainability" has become a buzzword. The problem is that the term sustainability can refer to many things and ...

Plant protein 'doorkeepers' block invading microbes, study finds

A group of plant proteins that "shut the door" on bacteria that would otherwise infect the plant's leaves has been identified for the first time by a team of researchers in Denmark, at the University of California, Davis, ...

Study shows Maya intensively cultivated manioc 1,400 years ago

A University of Colorado at Boulder team has uncovered an ancient and previously unknown Maya agricultural system -- a large manioc field intensively cultivated as a staple crop that was buried and exquisitely preserved under ...

Historical increase in corn yield -- it's in the roots

One of the most significant developments in agricultural growth in modern times has been the continuous and substantial increase in corn yield over the past 80 years in the U.S. Corn Belt.

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