Image: Algae bloom in Lake St. Clair

On July 28, 2015, the Operational Land Imager (OLI) on the Landsat 8 satellite captured images of algal blooms around the Great Lakes, visible as swirls of green in this image of Lake St. Clair and in western Lake Erie.

Lab test commonly used to assess water toxicity

Hyalella azteca are invertebrates that are widely used for sediment and water toxicity studies. Investigators have found that H. azteca collected from sites influenced by agricultural/urban runoff are as much as 2-times less ...

Drought led to massive 'dead zone' in Lake Erie

Lake Erie just can't catch a break. The lake has experienced harmful algal blooms and severe oxygen-depleted "dead zones" for years, but now a team of researchers led by Carnegie's Anna Michalak and Yuntao Zhou has shown ...

Going green with algae

Once known only as the slimy scourge of backyard ponds and lakes, algae is emerging as a superhero in the race for cleaner and renewable energy resources. But this hero is not without its Achilles' heel: Although its proliferation ...

Australia admits Barrier Reef conditions are 'poor'

Australia admitted Wednesday conditions at the Great Barrier Reef are "poor" as it battles UNESCO threats to downgrade its heritage status over concerns about pollution and development.

Researcher makes case for restoring wetlands on agricultural lands

( —New research by an Indiana University scientist reveals the value of restoring wetlands and riparian habitat on agricultural lands. The study is among the first to demonstrate the water quality benefits of converting ...

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