The pathways of a shape-shifting pesticide

The pesticide endosulfan is being phased out in the United States because of its threat to humans and wildlife. But researchers still want to understand how endosulfan moves through the atmosphere after it has been applied ...

Australian continent takes a big drink

( —Devastating at the time, the major floods of 2011 have since brought a vital benefit by recharging Australia's depleted reserves of underground water.

New study links extreme weather to climate change

Scientists said Monday they have identified a physical mechanism behind the extreme weather that has plagued many parts of the world in recent years—and that it is tied to climate change.

The limits of the productive capacity of ecosystems

In a letter to Science published last week, Karl-Heinz Erb from the Institute of Social Ecology Vienna and a number of co-authors discuss how the measurement of biomass production and consumption can be used to gain a better ...

The pros and cons of trading water: A case study in Australia

Water is a commodity, and water rights can be freely traded in an open market. Proponents of the free market approach argue that it leads to the most efficient allocation of water resources, as it would for any other commodity. ...

Early agricultural piracy informs the domestication of rice

The origins of rice have been cast in a new light by research publishing in the open-access journal PLoS Genetics on June 9, 2011. By reconciling two theories, the authors show that the domestication of rice occurred at least ...

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