Green leaf volatiles increase plant fitness via biocontrol

To solve the acute, global problem of securing food resources for a continuously growing population, we must work constantly to increase the sustainability and effectiveness of modern agricultural techniques. These efforts ...

New wasp species may be friends of agriculture

University of Adelaide researchers have discovered large numbers of new species of tiny Australian parasitic wasps - some of which may have potential as new biological control agents of insect pests in agriculture.

The exciting life cycle of a new Brazilian leaf miner

A new species of leaf miner from the important family Gracillariidae has been recently discovered in the depths of the Brazilian jungle and described in the open access journal Zookeys. The Gracillariidae family is an ancient ...

When the grass isn't always greener

Worries about Pennsylvania facing a severe drought seem to have faded with recent rainstorms, but the question of how to care for your lawn during this summer's heat is still important.

Farmland weeds can help combat pests

Leaving some weeds between crops can help to combat pests on agricultural land, according to a new study carried out by the University of Bonn. This step has particularly positive effects in combination with other measures: ...

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